Approved Resolutions
Please report any campus actions that respond to UFS resolutions using this form. For resolutions going back to the 153rd Plenary Meeting (Fall 2009), see the Resolutions & Responses page on the SUNY UFS archive site. For earlier resolutions, please contact us.
197th Plenary, Spring 2024
SUNY Colleges at Cornell University
April 6, 2024
196th Plenary, Winter 2024
January 20, 2024
195th Plenary, Fall 2023
SUNY Geneseo
October 21, 2023
194th Plenary, Spring 2023
SUNY Upstate Medical University
April 22, 2023
193rd Plenary, Winter 2023
January 21, 2023
192nd Plenary, Fall 2022
Purchase College
October 22, 2022
191st Plenary, Spring 2022
Tarrytown, NY (Optometry and Downstate, co-hosts)
April 9, 2022
190th Plenary, Winter 2022
January 22, 2022
189th Plenary, Fall 2021
October 9, 2021
Executive Committee action
August 18, 2021
188th Plenary, Spring 2021
April 24, 2021
187th Plenary, Winter 2021
January 22, 2021
186th Plenary, Fall 2020
October 17, 2020
185th Plenary, Spring 2020
April 17, 2020
There were no resolutions presented at the 185th Plenary.
184th Plenary, Winter 2020
University at Albany
January 16-18, 2020
183rd Plenary, Fall 2019
SUNY System Administration
October 10-12, 2019
In addition to the approved resolutions, the body approved the following motions of support through floor action.
Chancellor Johnson's responses to the Fall 2019 Resolutions
SUNY Colleges at Cornell University
April 6, 2024
- G&R: "197-01-1: AI Tools for Research"
- This resolution requests that the Chancellor provides various AI tools to faculty and staff for teaching and research; to educate students about the ethical and acceptable use of AI tools in education, research, scholarly and creative activity, and practice; and to create a SUNY-wide forum where faculty and staff can discuss academic integrity regulations and ask questions regarding AI tools for various uses.
- For: 44 / Against: 0
- G&R: "197-02-1: SUNY Cross Campus Research Support"
- This resolution requests that the Chancellor to fund the organization of a SUNY-wide research conference under UFS G&R oversight to establish SUNY-wide discipline-specific research groups and to fund the leaders of these groups at $4000 each. This resolution also requests a collaborative meeting between the SUNY Provost's office, members of G&R, and members of UAPPC to refine and scope direction of future incentive programs for research collaboration.
- For: 30 / Against 13
- G&R: "197-03-2: Graduate Education Standards"
- This resolution requests that the Provost create a SUNY-wide workgroup charged with creating best practices for graduate education and research professional development opportunities and potential creation of a SUNY-wide website highlighting best practices for graduate education and student-faculty publication co-authoring guidelines.
- For: 16 / Against 25 - Resolution failed
- A copy of the original proposed resolution can be found in the Proposed Resolutions tab of the Plenaries & Meetings dropdown menu. It is retained there for reference and archival purposes only.
- G&R: "197-04-1: SUNY Research Communication Enhancement"
- This resolution requests that the Chancellor facilitates better research information and resources sharing through the creation of a SUNY-wide email list and provide enhanced research networking opportunities for all SUNY faculty members.
- For: 36 / Against: 0
- SLC: "197-05-1: Recommendation for Basic Needs Resource Communication"
- This resolution recommends that all SUNY state-operated campuses consider adopting a policy regarding basic needs statements and that SUNY campuses identify and implement broad and equitable communicationstrategies for these statements on syllabi, department websites, LMS frames, or others as appropriate.
For: 39 / Against: 0
- This resolution recommends that all SUNY state-operated campuses consider adopting a policy regarding basic needs statements and that SUNY campuses identify and implement broad and equitable communicationstrategies for these statements on syllabi, department websites, LMS frames, or others as appropriate.
- OPR: "197-06-1: Requesting a Progress Report on the Financial Sustainability of State University of New York Campuses"
- This resolution requests the Chancellor and SUNY System Administration provides a progress report on the financial sustainability of SUNY campuses, including an analysis of the strategies that have shown progress, the challenges that are being faced, and necessary initiatives that campuses have had to implement and that this report be provided to the SUNY UFS, SUNY Board of Trustees, and the state legislature no later than the beginning of the Fall 2024 semester, and to consider publishing such a report on a regular basis.
- For: 41 / Against: 0
196th Plenary, Winter 2024
January 20, 2024
- EXEC: "196-01-1 Resolution: Ensuring Non-Discrimination, Enhancing Campus Inclusivity, and Supporting All SUNY Students, Faculty, and Staff"
- This resolution states the SUNY UFS abhors discrimination and harassment in many forms against students, faculty, and staff; calls upon campus governance bodies to pass similar resolutions; and calls for the chancellor work with campus leaders and SUNY administration to identify faculty and professional staff experts in these areas.
- For: 47 / Against: 0
- GOV/EXEC: "196-02-1 Proposal to Amend UFS Standing Rules"
- Two changes to the SUNY UFS Standing Rules were brought to the body. The first clarifying the terms for senator alternates. The second moving an item about reporting Sector reports from the Standing Rules to the Guidelines where it is more appropriate.
- For 47 / Against: 0
- OPR: “196-03-1 Resolution: Addressing Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the SUNY Workplace”
- This resolution requests the chancellor and SUNY Administration to develop and implement clear policies and procedures for the use of AI in the SUNY workplace, recommends that UFS and campus stakeholders be involved in the process, that recommendations from FACT2 and STRIVE are included, that the chancellor explore professional development on the use of AI, and that the chancellor share updates on developing and implementing these policies and procedures before the 2024/2025 academic year.
- For: 44 / Against: 0
- OPR: “196-04-1 Excelsior Scholarship Review”
- This resolution requests that SUNY System Administration work with CUNY System Administration to conduct a detailed review of the Excelsior Scholarship Program within two award cycles, examining issues brought forth by the UFS Operations Committee white paper on Excelsior, and identify revisions based on those issues; and that the chancellor share the results of the review with New York State Higher Education Services Corporation (HESC), along with recommendations for revisions.
- For: 43 / Against: 0
- OPR: “196-05-1 Opposition to Mandated Purchases from SUNY Preferred Vendor Corcraft Products”
- This resolution applauds the attention paid to this issue by the SUNY Plattsburgh Faculty Senate resolution, asks UFS Senators and CGLs to raise awareness of this issue on their campuses and consider passing similar resolutions, and asks the chancellor to direct the SUNY Office of Government Relations to New York State legislators to enact new legislation which is more consistent with the principles of social justice and allow SUNY campuses to opt out of SUNY Preferred Sources.
- For 38 / Against 4
- OPR: “196-06-1 Process for Professional Staff Advancement”
- Support for the current SUNY/UUP collaborative effort to review SUNY professional staff titles to accurately reflect duties, establish promotional lines where appropriate, and address recruitment and retention issues; to request the chancellor to direct HR offices follow through with any changes brought forward by the review; and that CGLs should raise awareness of these issues on their campuses.
- For 39 / Against 1
195th Plenary, Fall 2023
SUNY Geneseo
October 21, 2023
- UAPPC: "195-01-1 Resolution: Support for Microcredentials"
- This resolution calls on continued support for shared governance in creation of microcredentials, investigation of equitable access, and assessment of usability in the workforce.
- For: 43 / Against: 2
- EXEC: "195-02-1 New York State Fiscal Year 2025 Executive Budget Resolution"
- To have the UFS President work with SUNY System Administration to advocate the governor for expanded support for SUNY and CUNY.
- For: 49 / Against: 0
- Comp Sector: "195-03-1 Resolution to Endorse Potsdam Faculty Senate Resolution to freeze the Financial Stability Plan"
- This resolution came as new business and required a vote to bring to floor for consideration; The vote for consideration passed
- To endorse a SUNY Potsdam Faculty Senate resolution to freeze their Financial Stability Plan, to have the UFS president work with the SUNY Potsdam president to develop a process utilizing consultation and shared governance at all levels, and to strongly encourage any future such plans across SUNY include both transparent and inclusive processes and data-driven justifications.
- For: 47 / Against: 2
194th Plenary, Spring 2023
SUNY Upstate Medical University
April 22, 2023
- EID/OPR: "194-01-1 Resolution: Condemn Abusive Workplace Behavior and Request that SUNY System Administration Establish a System-wide Workplace Conduct Policy"
- This resolution calls on the SUNY Chancellor to take the lead in fostering better workplaces throughout SUNY, establish and resource a SUNY Ombudsperson and Office, work with stakeholders to establish policies for fair and impartial reviews of complaints, and facilitate workplace conversations on SUNY campuses.
- In the 191st plenary, a Resolution Reiterating University Faculty Senate Commitment to Condemn Workplace Bullying and Harassment was presented and referred to the Executive Committee for consideration and then assigned to EID and Operations.
- For: 43 / Against: 2
- OPR: "194-02-1 Resolution on the Best Practices for Administrative Searches at the Associate Dean Level and Above"
- This resolution calls on the SUNY Chancellor to direct campuses to direct campus Administrations to work with faculty governance to establish search practices for all Administrative-level searches in a manner similar to a dean search, to meaningfully involve area faculty and staff, to publish these guidelines, and to set up a SUNY website of best search practices.
- This resolution was originally 193-02-1, which was sent back to committee
- For: 47 / Against: 0
- G&R: "194-03-1 Resolution on Restoration of Incentive Programs for Cross-Campus Research Collaboration"
- This resolution calls on the SUNY Chancellor to reinstate funding for cross-campus research collaboration, create an area where such opportunities can be advertised, create a high performance computing environment to help facilitate data intensive research, and for the Provost's Office meet with SUNY UFS to discuss and define the direction of this work.
- For: 44 / Against: 0
- Tech Sector: "194-04-1 Resolution to Increase Diversity among Faculty in the Colleges of Technology"
- This resolution calls on the SUNY Chancellor and the Academic Affairs to either include the Colleges of Technology in the PRODiG Fellow program or create a parallel program for the Colleges of Technology, to create and support funding for visas for international candidates, and to create mentorship and support structures for BIPOC faculty.
- For: 44 / Against: 0
- “Inclusive Access” Bookstore Programs
- Supporting Students and Faculty Faced with Rising Ideological and AntiIntellectual Attacks on Academic Freedom
193rd Plenary, Winter 2023
January 21, 2023
- P&A: "193-01-1 Restoration of Conversations in the Disciplines Grant Program"
- To request SUNY to reinstate the funding for the Conversations in the Disciplines and the Office of the Provost meet with the UFS Programs and Awards Committee to define the direction of the program.
- For: 46 / Against: 0
- OPR: "193-02-1 Best Practices for Administrative Searches at the Assistant Dean Level and Above"
- This resolution arrived late and required a vote to bring to floor for consideration; The vote for consideration passed
- To request the SUNY Chancellor to direct and encourage campus presidents to publish guidelines, include governance representation on search committees, and for SUNY to archive guidelines for best practice referral.
- A vote was held and passed to move this resolution back to the UFS Operations committee.
- UAPPC: "A Resolution Honoring Norm Goodman"
- It was announced that the Undergraduate Academic Programs and Policies Committee passed an internal resolution in honor of Norm Goodman. As an internal committee resolution, no vote was required by the UFS.
192nd Plenary, Fall 2022
Purchase College
October 22, 2022
- GOV: "192-01-1 Amendment to the SUNY UFS Guidelines"
- To better align the Guidelines with the intent of the SUNY UFS Bylaws by stating that the Fall Planning Meeting shall be in-person attendance and that accommodations for remote access will be made on a case-by-case basis.
- Passed by Executive Committee vote unopposed on October 20, 2022
- GOV: "192-02-1 Amendment to the SUNY UFS Standing Rules"
- To better align the Guidelines with the intent of the SUNY UFS Bylaws by stating that the Fall Planning Meeting shall be in-person and that the Executive Committee may determine that the meeting needs to be synchronously remote because of health or safety concerns.
- For: 42 / Against: 0
- EID/SL: "192-03-1 SUNY SLSC handling of college-held Perkins Loan payments and interest during the pandemic"
- To ask the Chancellor to work with all needed bodies to suspend repayment of state-held Perkins Loans as well as protect credit and allow for opt out, so as to be aligned with the Federally-held Perkins Loans.
- For: 41 / Against: 0
- EXEC: "192-04-1 State Executive Budget advocacy"
- To have the UFS President work with SUNY System Administration to advocate the governor for expanded support for SUNY and CUNY
- For: 43 / Against: 0
- SUNY Maritime: "192-05-1 Commemoration of Karen Markoe"
- Recognition of the service of Distinguished Professor Karen Markoe, first woman president of UFS
- Passed by voice acclamation with no dissent
- EXEC: "192-06-1 Statement on Iran"
- Asking the Chancellor to support SUNY Iranian and Iranian-American students, faculty, and staff
- For: 41 / Against 0
191st Plenary, Spring 2022
Tarrytown, NY (Optometry and Downstate, co-hosts)
April 9, 2022
- HSC: "191-01-1 Successful Implementation of the SUNY Health, Wellness, and Well-Being Infrastructure and Leadership Architecture"
- To expand wellness services for students and employees, appoint the Vice Chancellor position, provide guidance for the work of the office, and fund related campus positions.
- For: 39 / Against: 2
- OPR: "191-02-1 Costs of Administration Study"
- To establish a comprehensive study of the structure and costs of administration within SUNY and its campuses.
- For: 37 / Against: 3
- EXEC: "191-03-1 Recognition of Service to UFS by Vice Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs Elizabeth Bringsjord"
- To recognize Vice Provost Bringsjord's past work and wish her a wonderful retirement.
- For: 42 / Against: 0
- Upstate: "191-04-1 Updating, Revising, and Clarifying The State University of New York Guide to Presidential Searches at State-Operated Institutions (document #8400)"
- To clarify faculty composition, the role of campus Chief Diversity Officers, representational searches, and other matters in relation to Presidential searches.
- For: 29 / Against: 8
190th Plenary, Winter 2022
January 22, 2022
- EID & OP: "190-01-1 Advancement of Historically Underrepresented Faculty"
- To raise awareness of, and make recommendations for, specific inequities in hiring, mentoring, and evaluating historically underrepresented faculty.
- For: 43 / Against: 2 / Abstain: 1
- EID: "190-02-1 Successful Implementation of the SUNY General Education Category, 'Diversity: Equity, Inclusion, and Social Justice'"
- To ensure appropriate support and professional development is available for instructors who will be teaching courses in this category as well as to ensure that institutions that need to hire faculty to do so will be able to.
- For: 41 / Against: 1 / Abstain: 3
- Please note: The UFS also endorsed the FCCC Statement entitled, "SUNY Chancellor and Executive Leadership Searches."
- For: 41 / Against: 1 / Abstain: 4
189th Plenary, Fall 2021
October 9, 2021
- GOV: "189-01-1 Proposal to Amend UFS Standing Rules"
- To formally authorize virtual plenary meetings while identifying in-person as our typical modality and specifying how to keep our amended Standing Rules in accordance with the “all face-to-face” language in Bylaws VII.1(a).
- For: 39 / Against: 4 / Abstain: 2
- COMM: "189-02-1 Executive Budget Resolution"
- To influence development of Governor Hochul’s Executive Budget so that New York State becomes “a national leader in sustainably and equitably supporting and advancing SUNY and CUNY’s core academic missions.”
- For: 43 / Against: 0 / Abstain: 2
- OPR: "189-03-1 Telecommuting Policy"
- To urge Chancellor Malatras and the unions to work with GOER to extend and make permanent SUNY’s telecommuting policy, with an emphasis on flexibility and productivity, while drawing on stakeholder input.
- For: 27 / Against: 13 / Abstain: 2
- UG: "189-04-1 Contact Hours in Applied Learning"
- To urge Chancellor Malatras to make SUNY’s 1976 policy on applied learning contact hours congruent with current New York State regulations.
- For: 38 / Against: 1 / Abstain: 3
- UG: "189-05-1 In Support of AAUP Joint Statement"
- To reiterate SUNY UFS's commitment to education about racism and American history, to make SUNY UFS a signatory of the "AAUP Joint Statement on Legislative Efforts to Restrict Education about Racism and American History,” to urge campus governance bodies to endorse the AAUP Joint Statement, and to encourage all members and leaders of SUNY governance bodies to "educate their communities on the dangers of such described legislation and the importance of racial equity and academic freedom."
- For: 38 / Against: 0 / Abstain: 1
Executive Committee action
August 18, 2021
188th Plenary, Spring 2021
April 24, 2021
- OPR/GOV: "188-01-1 Implementation of 360 Reviews for SUNY’s Management/Confidential (M/C) Employees"
- This resolution requests that the Chancellor direct campuses to implement 360 reviews of M/C employees, that the cycle of reviews is accessible to campuses, and that support for the process is made available by System.
- For: 33 / Against: 13 / Abstain: 2
- SL: "188-02-1 Holistic Student Space".
- This resolution requests that the Chancellor direct campus presidents to ensure that there are both physical and virtual spaces available to support the holistic wellness needs of students, including plans to promote and maintain these spaces once established.
- For: 41 / Against: 5 / Abstain: 3
- UG: "188-03-1 On Academic Planning for Responding to Future Crises"
- This resolution urges System Administration and campuses to develop plans for maintaining academic functions in the event of future emergencies similar to the covid-19 pandemic, and to examine policies regarding the various instructional modalities used during such emergencies.
- For: 46 / Against: 1 / Abstain: 0
- UG: "188-04-1 Recognition of COVID-19 Pandemic Response and the Need for Continued Support"
- This resolution recognizes the hard work and resilience displayed by faculty, staff, students, and administrators in responding to the pandemic, recommends that these good efforts be documented and memorialized, and requests that System Administration continue to provide wellness, mental health, and professional development support going forward.
- For: 41 / Against: 1 / Abstain 0
- UCenters: "188-05-1 TIAA Divestment".
- This resolution expresses support for TIAA fossil fuel divestment resolutions that have passed across the system, and calls of the Chancellor to encourage TIAA to invest in renewable energy funds.
- Note: Background information will be added listing or linking to the divestment resolutions that have been passed on various SUNY campuses. Until then, this resolution is provisionally posted, so that members can share the approved text with their campuses.
- For: 28 / Against: 10 / Abstain: 4
187th Plenary, Winter 2021
January 22, 2021
- EXEC: "187-01-1 Shared Governance in These Times of Extraordinary Challenges"
- This resolution requests that system and campus administration work with shared governance bodies when making decisions during challenging times, especially in the areas of health and safety, instructional modality, and budget.
- For: 43 / Against: 0 / Abstain: 0
- BLM: "187-03-1 Board of Trustees Acknowledges that Black Lives Matter"
- This resolution requests that the Board of Trustees acknowledge that Black lives matter and work to include anti-racist language in the SUNY Mission.
- For: 39 / Against: 1 / Abstain: 2
- BLM: "187-04-1 University Faculty Senate Recognizes and Supports Black Lives Matter"
- This resolution requests that the University Faculty Senate acknowledge and support Black Lives Matter in its own work, and ask campus governance bodies to work to eliminate racial injustice on our campuses.
- For: 33 / Against: 5 / Abstain: 4
186th Plenary, Fall 2020
October 17, 2020
- EID: "186-01-1 Racial Equity and Social Justice Curriculum"
- This resolution asks Senators to work with campus shared governance to develop and implement (or expand upon existing) curriculum and all-campus programming dealing with the issues of Racial Equity and Social Justice.
- For: 45 / Against: 0 / Abstain: 1
- EXEC: "186-02-1 Joint Statement on the Search for the SUNY Chancellor"
- A joint UFS - FCCC statement to the Board of Trustees, urging that a national search that follows principles of shared governance when replacing outgoing Chancellor Johnson.
- For: 41 / Against: 0 / Abstain: 6
- EXEC: "186-03-1 Vote of No Confidence in Politically Appointed Members of SUNY Board of Trustees"
- Joint UFS - FCCC resolution of no confidence in response to the Board of Trustee's appointment of Chancellor Malatras without having a formal search.
- For: 38 / Against: 4 / Abstain: 4
- GOV: "186-05-1 Importance of maintaining effective shared governance practices during times of crisis"
- This resolution asks the Chancellor to reinforce to campus Presidents the importance of supporting shared governance even in times of crisis, and calls on Campus Governance Leaders to ensure that campus governance bodies have structures and processes that allow them to respond expeditiously when campuses are dealing with emergency situations.
- For: 46 / Against: 0 / Abstain 0
185th Plenary, Spring 2020
April 17, 2020
There were no resolutions presented at the 185th Plenary.
184th Plenary, Winter 2020
University at Albany
January 16-18, 2020
- Executive Committee: "184-01-1 SUNY/CUNY Budget Resolution"
- This resolution asks the Governor and Legislature to increase the share of SUNY and CUNY operating budget that is covered by public funding instead of student tuition, fully fund SUNY and CUNY critical maintenance needs and capital projects, and establish a SUNY endowment. It also asks that SUNY UFS expand its coordination with governance bodies and union chapters across SUNY and CUNY in budget advocacy.
- For: 36 / Against: 0 / Abstain: 0
- Letter templates: For CGLs / For individuals (with campus endorsement) / For individuals (without campus endorsement yet)
183rd Plenary, Fall 2019
SUNY System Administration
October 10-12, 2019
- Executive Committee: “183-01-1 Research Misconduct Investigation Policies”
- This resolution puts forth a more general statement of research misconduct investigation policies, extending the resolution of support for Downstate that was adopted in executive session this past summer.
- For: 41 / Against: 8 / Abstain: 1
- Equity, Inclusion, and Diversity Committee: “183-02-1 Establishment of Standing Campus Senate EID Committees”
- This resolution asks that campus Senates establish their own EID committees, if they don’t already have one; that the mission of campus EID committees align with the UFS EID committee charge; that campus governance bodies be intentional in their efforts to be inclusive; and that campus EID committees have representation on campus Senates.
- For: 40 / Against: 5 / Abstain: 3
- Equity, Inclusion, and Diversity Committee: “183-03-1 Maintaining Welcoming, Inclusive and Safe Campus Environments through Annually Affirming SUNY Diversity and Inclusion Values”
- This resolution asks the Chancellor to require campus Presidents to annually affirm and communicate SUNY values for equity, diversity, and inclusion to campus stakeholders.
- For: 41 / Against: 6 / Abstain: 1
- Operations Committee and Graduate Programs and Research Committee: “183-04-1 Support for SUNY Negotiations for a fair and reasonable contract with Elsevier”
- This resolution expresses support for the SUNY team negotiating a new contract with Elsevier for access to electronic resources, asking for good faith efforts to reach a fair and reasonable agreement; recommends that SUNY negotiators take a strong stance and be willing to not enter into a new contract if a fair deal cannot be reached; and asks that campus governance bodies raise the issue of the Elsevier negotiations in terms of supporting SUNY efforts and developing campus contingency planning in case of non-renewal of the Elsevier contract.
- For: 47 / Against: 2 / Abstain: 2
- Floor Action: “183-05-1 Recognition of 2019 Nobel Prize for Chemistry Awarded to Distinguished Professor of Chemistry and Materials Science M. Stanley Whittingham”
- This resolution celebrates the recent Nobel Prize award to Professor Whittingham at Binghamton University.
- For: 47 / Against: 0 / Abstain: 0
In addition to the approved resolutions, the body approved the following motions of support through floor action.
- The University Faculty Senate endorses the 6 June 2019 action of the Executive Committee to pass the resolution “In Support of Downstate Resolutions on Research Misconduct Policies”
- For: 42 / Against: 3 / Abstain: 5
- The University Faculty Senate endorses the 11 October 2019 FCCC resolution “Resolution on Open Presidential Search Processes”
- For: 38 / Against: 2 / Abstain: 1
- The University Faculty Senate endorses the 5 October 2019 FCCC resolution “Resolution in Response to SUNY Online Response”
- For: 42 / Against: 0 / Abstain: 3
Chancellor Johnson's responses to the Fall 2019 Resolutions
182nd Plenary, Spring 2019
SUNY Potsdam
April 11-13, 2019
The resolution "To Form a Committee to Examine Funding Opportunities for Undocumented Students in SUNY Professional Programs" was referred back to the Graduate Programs and Research Committee.
SUNY Potsdam
April 11-13, 2019
- Campus Governance Leaders, “182-01-1 Proposed Policy for Appointment of Interim Administrators at and above the Level of Dean”
- This resolution provides suggested guidelines for involving shared governance when interim administrators are appointed on campuses.
- For: 37; Against: 1; Abstain: 2
- Equity, Inclusion, and Diversity Committee, “182-02-1 Resolution to Ensure Numerous Pathways to Continuing Appointment and Promotion”
- This resolution asks that appointment and promotion policies align with inclusivity goals of SUNY, that promotion be based on all of the criteria set forth in Board of Trustees policy, and that the guidelines for promotion be made clear as part of the onboarding process for new faculty.
- For: 30; Against: 6; Abstain: 5
- Governance Committee, “182-03-1 Resolution on the Expectation of Professional Employees, as defined by the policies of the Board of Trustees, to Participate in Shared Governance”
- This resolution requests that professional employees of SUNY be made aware of and also be supported in opportunities to become involved in governance activities at the campus and system level.
- For: 34; Against: 5; Abstain: 2
- Operations Committee, “182-04-1 Resolution to Create Common SUNY Onboarding Information Points and Processes for New Employees”
- This resolution recommends the development of a set of recommended onboarding practices and information for use across SUNY, including the establishment of a shared repository of onboarding materials.
- For: 33; Against: 2; Abstain: 5
- Operations Committee, “182-05-1 Resolution to Improve SUNY Reimbursement Processes”
- This resolution requests the development of a modernized travel reimbursement system that will provide for easy and timely submission of reimbursement requests and transparency around approval and reimbursement processing.
- For: 38; Against: 2; Abstain: 1
- Undergraduate Committee, “182-06-1 Resolution on Campus Review of Course Withdrawal Deadlines”
- This resolution recommends periodic review by governance of campus policies, and suggests policies involved with registration deadlines as one area for review.
- For: 33; Against: 3; Abstain: 2
- Undergraduate Committee, “182-07-1 Resolution on Privatization, Academic Freedom, and Shared Governance in Online Education”
- This resolution asks that shared governance be clearly involved in the development of policies and procedures for SUNY Online, and that faculty be informed of their rights to retain ownership of their work and their role in the development of online policies.
- For: 31; Against: 2; Abstain: 7
- Specialized and Statutory Colleges Sector, “182-08-1 Resolution on reaffirming 176-11-1 Resolution in Support of Stand-Alone Unit Head for New York State College of Ceramics at Alfred University”
- This resolution restates support for the position that there needs to be a stand-alone head for New York State College of Ceramics, at Alfred University.
- For: 33; Against: 0; Abstain: 2
The resolution "To Form a Committee to Examine Funding Opportunities for Undocumented Students in SUNY Professional Programs" was referred back to the Graduate Programs and Research Committee.