by Kyle Fennell & Peter Knuepfer, SUNY University Faculty Senate Communications Committee As a professional in higher education, do you find that the same individuals tend to perform significantly more service than their colleagues, often times stretching themselves thin because there aren’t enough hours in the day to do it all? Do you see the time spent on service being ignored when faculty and professional staff are considered for promotion and/or permanency? Are the expectations of service uniform, or are some (women, underrepresented minorities) asked to do more than others? Given the challenges facing higher education institutions, from recruiting and retaining students from a smaller "traditional" pool to engaging with administrations to have a role in decisions that impact the entire university, it is becoming increasingly more important that we share the burden and do our part to provide quality education to all. As the saying goes, many hands make for light work. Patrick V. Farrell and Robert A. Flowers share their thoughts on the value of service with Inside Higher Ed here.
by Jie Zhang, SUNY University Faculty Senate Communications Committee
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October 2023